My dear friend's baby is a few months old, and we're delighted that he's coming to visit soon. So of course I asked: "You're taking him to see the fish, aren't you?"
When our baby girl came home at a year and a half old, we weren't up for big vacations. We'd had enough grand and transatlantic adventures for awhile, and needed little ones. So we stayed at my mom and dad's, and we took our kids to the park. This included, for reasons I can't really explain beyond the shivery-horror pleasure, a trip to feed the fishes at the spillway. Thus began a family tradition: new family member, welcome to the fish at the spillway.
When my friend's husband first came to town to be introduced around, spillway. New cousin? What will he think of the spillway? Think this might be the guy your auntie wants to marry? Has he ever been to the spillway? etc.
Dear baby A, I don't know why . . . but we can't wait to see what you think of the spillway.
And of course, guests, maps will be provided -- not only to swimming and fishing, but also, and more importantly, to the spillway.
I hope that baby A enjoys the spillway :) Can you believe that we've not taken any of ours yet? We'll have to remedy that this summer, I suppose.